BodyMap 3.4: Enrich your human anatomy journey with new curriculum courses and more

BodyMap 3.4: Enrich your human anatomy journey with new curriculum courses and more

BodyMap 3.4, where we added various new contents and optimized existing ones in our courses, 3D male model, animation, and organ cross-sections.
January 5, 2024
6 min read


  • 120 new courses added and new thumbnails updated for 60 existing courses
  • 800 new structures added in male model and 1,500 existing ones optimized
  • 31 new animations added
  • 2 cross-sections optimized: Heart and Kidney
  • BodyMap Main Menu updated
  • MAI Portal, a web-based tracking and management platform, introduced for BodyMap
  • Meta Quest 3 and Quest Pro supported

BodyMap has become much richer in its latest release v3.4, where we added various new contents and optimized existing ones in our courses, 3D male model, animation, and organ cross-sections, in the past several months.

[fs-toc-h2]Courses: 100 New Courses and 60 Updated Existing Courses

We now have about 160 courses in the Courses (originally named Library)—that is, 180 pre-assembled 3D models—designed for you to access quickly.

In this new release, we added 100 courses, including “Anterior Triangle of Neck” and “Orbital Openings” in the Head and Neck and “Coronary Circulation” in the Thorax, to the existing 60 courses.

“Anterior Triangle of Neck” is one of the most classic and challenging courses for students to learn due to the numerous structures in the neck region. We designed this course to include several muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and bones in the Head & Heck, making it easy for students to access directly and saving them time they would otherwise spend selecting these structures individually.

In addition, the thumbnails of the existing 60 courses (pre-assembled 3D models) are updated to align with the appearance and details of the optimized 3D male model structures.

[fs-toc-h2]3D Male Models: 800 New Structures & 1,500 Optimized Existing Structures

Jack, our 3D male model, currently boasts over 4,000 body structures. Sally, the female counterpart of Jack, consists of the same number of structures.

In the v3.4 release, our 3D team introduced approximately 800 structures in the 3D male model, with the majority of them located in the Circulatory, Nervous, and Digestive Systems. Examples include the arterial corona mortis and filum terminale internum, significantly enhancing the comprehensiveness of these body systems.

These body systems now not only cover all the organs but also all the crucial blood vessels and nerves. For instance, we introduced the peripheral blood vessels responsible for supplying blood, nutrients, and oxygen to tissues throughout the body, including ureteric branch of renal artery, pubic branch of inferior epigastric artery, arterial corona mortis, and ureteric branches of inferior vesical artery, just to name a few.

In addition to these newly added structures, we’ve optimized 1,500 existing structures in the male model, particularly those in the Digestive System, by adding more intricate details to organs like the large and small intestines. When you zoom in on these structures, you can closely observe even the finest details of their inner surface, such as wrinkles. Furthermore, we’ve improved the performance for smoother access to structures within the body systems.

[fs-toc-h2]Animations: 63 Major Movements of Whole Body

What else is new, besides the new courses and structures? You'll find that BodyMap now covers all 63 major movements of the human body.

We added 32 new movements in the Animations tab: 21 in the Upper Limb, 5 in the Lower Limb, 5 in the Trunk, and 1 in the Thorax.

Let's take the animation of the lungs, for example. Students can now gain a deeper understanding of the mechanics of breathing. Previously, they may have had only a glimpse of the primary respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm and the external and internal intercostal muscles. But now, they can visualize how the lungs expand during inhalation and contract during exhalation, while also comprehending which agonist and antagonist muscles are involved in these processes.

[fs-toc-h2]Cross-Section: Heart and Kidney Optimized

In this release, we've also optimized the cross-sections of the Heart and Kidney. The new Kidney boasts enhanced details, making it more realistic and faithful to the actual organ. Additionally, the Heart now offers a new perspective - the lateral view, allowing you to observe the heart's surface from its side and revealing surface details on the left side of the heart's center.

[fs-toc-h2]Main Menu: New Order of Body Systems & Courses Tabs

The Main Menu in BodyMap has received a minor makeover. We've switched the positions of the Body Systems and Courses tabs, now making the Courses the first tab for quick access.

For those who may not be familiar, the Courses is a collection of courses, 3D models meticulously prepared by our Medical Content team. It allows students and teachers to easily access content, saving you the time and effort of assembling various body structures from different systems or regions manually in the Body Systems tab.

We've also updated the thumbnails of existing courses in the Courses to align with our latest, optimized 3D models.

BodyMap Courses Tab Overview

[fs-toc-h2]MAI Portal: New Web Tracking & Managing Platform

We are proud to announce MAI Portal, an online web platform designed to help you track your progress in learning or teaching in BodyMap. If you’re an Admin user, you can also use it to manage others within your organization who have access to BodyMap.

For instance, if you're an Instructor user, you'll have the ability to:

  • View the overall activities and performance of everyone in your organization at a glance
  • Create exams from a question bank for your students
  • Review quizzes you've completed in BodyMap
  • Add your own customized notes to flashcards in BodyMap, visible to everyone in your organization

We've also prepared a step-by-step guide for using MAI Portal, which you can find on our Tutorial page.

We are excited to hear your thoughts on our fresh and improved BodyMap content, as well as any ideas you’d like to share. Feel free to reach out to us at!

Begin your VR anatomy journey today, sign up for a 7-day free trial.

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January 5, 2024
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