AcuMap Tutorials
4. Acupuncture Simulation

4. Acupuncture Simulation

September 10, 2024
8 min read


This tutorial shows you how to use the needle for acupuncture simulation, visualize needle insertion, and see the corresponding angle and depth in VR environment to better understand acupuncture.


You can use the needle to practice insertion into the virtual human body and feel haptic feedback during the simulation in AcuMap.

Grab & Penetrate

Grab a needle with the trigger and insert it into the virtual human body. You will see the angle and depth information whenever the needle passes through the skin.

Grab Needle

Display Window

A window on your left controller will display the details of the insertion process, including the angle, depth, projected path and collided structures layer by layer.

Close-up window

Info Card

A window on your left controller will display the details of the insertion process, including the angle, depth, projected path and collided structures layer by layer.

[fs-toc-h2]Use Case

Watch the video to learn how we use the simulation to teach students about the concept of dangerous acupoints

Lung Meridian

Caution must be taken when needling LU1 to prevent pneumothorax. The acupuncture procedure should be performed carefully, directing the needle upward and outward.

Sciatic Nerve Pain

Watch how we simulate acupuncture to help students learn how to treat sciatic nerve pain.

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September 10, 2024
In-depth documentation

AcuMap Tutorials

Learn how to navigate the 3D model and conduct simulation to master meridians and acupoints—all in one place.


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