BodyMap Tutorials
2. Lobby & Main Menu

2. Lobby & Main Menu

January 18, 2024
5 min read


The Lobby is the place where you can decide what you want to do in BodyMap after logging in. You can choose to explore the 3D model, engage with peers or instructors in online sessions, take exams to assess how much you’ve learned, and, if granted the Admin role, manage users in your institution.

BodyMap Lobby (logged in as BodyMap Student user)


User Comparison: You can refer to this table for the capabilities of each BodyMap user in Lobby:

BodyMap Features Table
BodyMap Personal BodyMap Student BodyMap Instructor BodyMap Pro BodyMap Admin
Open BodyMap
Online Class
Exam Hub
User Management if given Admin role if given Admin role if given Admin role

Open BodyMap: Select this option to explore the 3D model on your own.

Online Class: Select this option to host or join a VR session or group discussion.

Exam Hub * Student only: Select this option to take exams created by your instructors.

User Management * Admin only: Select this option to manage users in your institution, such as add and delete users.

Settings: Select to change your preferred language, log out, or quit BodyMap.

The message in the upper-right of Lobby shows your current BodyMap free trial or subscription status.

[fs-toc-h2]Main Menu

The Main Menu is a panel on your left that displays all of the BodyMap features, contents, and tools. You can select the Arrow icon at the bottom of the panel to expand or collapse it.

BodyMap Main Menu Overview

The Tab is a list of links each with its corresponding content. You can select any Tab to access its content in the Main Menu.

BodyMap Main Menu Tabs

Courses: The Courses tab is a list of courses we have curated for you to save you time from creating your own. You can find more details in the Courses page.

Body Systems: The Body Systems tab is a list of the complete 12 body systems you can select or de-select to add or remove from the 3D model. You can find more details in the Body Systems page.

The 12 body systems include Skeleton, Muscle, Skin, Nervous, Circulatory, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, urinary, Endocrine, Reproductive and Connective systems.

Body Regions: The Body Regions filter is a list of the complete 9 body regions you can select to see body structures from this particular region.

The 9 body regions include Head and Neck, Thorax, Back, Abdomen, Pelvis, Upper Limb and Lower Limb.

Animations: The Animations tab is a list of animations that show how joints move and what muscles are involved. You can find more details in the Animations page.

Bookmarks: The Bookmarks tab is a list of your saved and personalized 3D models. You can find more details in the Bookmarks page.


The Contents is the area where it displays the corresponding contents of your selected tab, such as default courses from the Courses tab or animations from the Animations tab.

BodyMap Main Menu Contents


The Toolbar is a list of tools to help you explore BodyMap. You can find more details in the Toolbar page.

BodyMap Main Menu Toolbar
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January 18, 2024
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BodyMap Tutorials

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