BodyMap Tutorials
7. Animations

7. Animations

January 19, 2024
3 min read


The Animations is a list of animations that show how joints move and what muscles are involved during the movements in the human body in BodyMap.

BodyMap Animations Overview

[fs-toc-h2]Animations Menu

The Animations Menu is a panel on your left hand which displays a list of the major movements of the human body in BodyMap.

BodyMap Animations Tab Overview
  1. Animations Tab: Select to display a list of animations.
  2. Region Filter: Select to open a dropdown of 9 body regions to choose from
  3. Animation: Select to observe the animation

Animation Flashcard

The Animation Flashcard is a card containing information and functions related to the selected animation.

BodyMap Animations Flashcard Overview
  1. Animation Title
  2. Articulation: Display the point where two or more bones meet, commonly known as a joint
  3. Range of Motion: Display how much a joint can move in different directions
  4. Muscles in Motion:
    • Agonist: A list of muscles primarily responsible for producing the specific movement
    • Antagonist: A list of muscles that relax or elongate to allow the specific movement to occur
  5. Play / Pause: Select to play, or pause the movement
    • Select the little grey dot on the play bar to stop the animation and observe the end point of the motion, which is when the muscle is most tense
    • Drag the white circle on the play bar to fast forward or rewind the animation
  6. Angle: Display the articulation angle in the movement

How to access an animation

Step 1: In the Main Menu, select the Animations tab

Step 2: Select an animation from the list of animations

Step 3: You can then observe the movement in the 3D model, and find information on what muscles are involved during the movement in its Flashcard

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January 19, 2024
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BodyMap Tutorials

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